A beginner’s guide to reinforcement learning: Simple examples and explanations

Osama Shakeel
2 min readDec 27, 2022


Reinforcement learning is a type of machine learning where an agent learns to interact with its environment in order to maximize a reward. The agent receives a reward for performing actions that lead to the desired outcome, and it learns through trial and error which actions are most likely to lead to the highest reward.

Here are a few examples of reinforcement learning tasks:

  1. Playing a game: A reinforcement learning agent might be trained to play a game like chess or Go by learning which moves are most likely to lead to victory.
  2. Autonomous driving: A reinforcement learning agent could be trained to control a self-driving car by learning which actions, such as turning or braking, will lead to a smooth and safe ride.
  3. Trading stocks: A reinforcement learning agent could be trained to trade stocks by learning which actions, such as buying or selling, will maximize profits.
  4. Robotics: A reinforcement learning agent could be trained to control a robot by learning which actions will allow the robot to complete tasks or achieve specific goals.
  5. Natural language processing: A reinforcement learning agent could be trained to generate natural language text by learning which actions, such as selecting specific words or phrases, will produce the most coherent and coherent sentences.

